Books by Biographer/Novelist/Ghostwriter Ronald Joseph Kule

Haunted Robots ~ Fast-paced, FUN Sci-Fi Novel


   The murder of robotics technology lab director Dr. Oren Stanson  leads others to discover that life goes on after body death. Sucked into one of his robot bodies, he makes contact with women he knew before his “death,” propelling serious in-fighting among those who believe he is still alive and those who do not. 

     A delightful and revealing twist reveals that some of those voluptuous, intelligent women are advanced-body androids – human spirits running A.I. created by an alien race with a serious agenda for Earth. The takeaway is a two-question set: endlessly repeating the organic birth, death, and rebirth cycle… is this our only choice? Or is there more to our essence than meets our human eyes!?
(404 pages, softcover and eBook.)




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