Books by Biographer/Novelist/Ghostwriter Ronald Joseph Kule

LIVING BEYOND IMPOSSIBLE ~ The Terry Hitchcock Story eBook edition

KuleBooks LLC

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LIVING BEYOND IMPOSSIBLE ~ The Terry Hitchcock Story eBook edition

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Terry Hitchcock is an American hero championed by children everywhere, and this is the eBook edition of the acclaimed softcover biography by Ronald Joseph Kule, foreword by 9-time #1 Amazon international bestselling author & LinkedIn Influencer Tracy Repchuk.

In 1996 at the age of 57, after a heart attack during training, entrepreneur Terry Hitchcock, a father of three children whom he raised single-handedly after his wife died from cancer, ran from Minneapolis to Atlanta - the distance of 75 marathons, which he ran in 75 consecutive days! His doctor told him, "Terry if you go do this run you will likely kill yourself." Terry replied, "I might kill myself, Doc, but I don't think I will."
After all, his grandfather who raised him taught his young charge, "Never give up on a dream; nothing is impossible." And young Terry believed him then and now.


He knew how hard it was to raise children singlehandedly and how hard it was on the children. He wanted to draw media attention to that plight. Media from 27 countries followed his "impossible" run, now immortalized in the film documentary, MY RUN, directed by (the late) Tim Van De Steeg. The film won 11 of 15 film festivals! Today, in Hollywood a script for a feature film production is in pre-production, pending funding.

The biography covers Terry's entire life and reveals his Ultimate Dream, which you can help him achieve by taking action according to Terry's directives found in this edition.

Copyright 2018, 2021 by Ronald Joseph Kule & Terrance Stanton Hitchcock. All Rights Reserved.